Letter From Ministry of Education to David Lepofsky re March 1 Meeting

Ministry of Education
Student Support and Field Services Division
900 Bay St.
22nd Fl. Mowat Block
Queen’s Park
Toronto ON M7A 1L2
Telephone (416) 314-5788
Facsimile (416) 350-8453

Ministère de l’Éducation
Division du soutien aux élèves et des services régionaux
900 rue Bay
22è étage, édifice Mowat
Queens Park
Toronto ON M7A 1L2
Téléphone (416) 314-5788
Télécopieur (416) 350-8453

May 18, 2018

Mr. David Lepofsky

Dear Mr. Lepofsky,

Thank you for your correspondence of February 2, 2018, calling for a ministry review of services in Ontario for students who are blind or have low vision.

We have taken note of the issues that you raised on behalf of VIEWS, including teacher qualification requirements and the supply of teachers of the blind and low vision (BLV). We were pleased to meet with you and representatives of CNIB on the March 1 to discuss these issues. We appreciate your input on how we can address these issues moving forward.

The province has taken steps to ensure that every student has access to the supports they need to succeed in school, including students with special education needs who are blind or have low vision. We have made changes to be more responsive to the needs of students receiving special education programs and services, increasing the focus on supporting student achievement and, equity and well-being.  The ministry has also engaged with education and community partners to look for ways to strengthen students’ ability to fully participate in their learning. The Minister’s Advisory Council on Special Education (MACSE) remains as a formalized avenue for the discussion of the interests of students who are blind or have low vision.

Thank you again for sharing the brief prepared by VIEWS and for your continued dedication to supporting students with special education needs in Ontario. We look forward to continuing to engage with your organization.


Original signed by
Shirley Kendrick
Assistant Deputy Minister (A)
Student Support & Field Services Division

Original signed by
Martyn Beckett
Assistant Deputy Minister
Student Achievement Division

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